Project Timeline

September 2022: Urgent
Aid Needed in face of Crisis
September 27th:
September 27th:
September 28th:
September 30th:
Post-Hurricane Relief Aid
October 2nd:
Continuing our Outreach
In September of 2022 Hurricane Ian made landfall on Florida as a category 4 storm. Wind speeds reached up to 155 mph and cost an estimated $206.32 million in damages to Orange County. Knowing the severity of the situation, and the vulnerability of the homeless population of Orlando, our organization felt the need to act.
Our plan began with our executive board recognizing a need, and coming together to develop informational brochures and materials explaining the severity of the situation, listing the open shelters, and how exactly to get there using bus routes. Our team then printed hundreds of these brochures and prepared them for distribution.
On Tuesday September 27th, the day before the hurricane hit Orlando, our members traveled to the Christian Service Center to inform the people at that location. They then spread out to different zones downtown to pass out the brochures to other members of the homeless community that needed to seek shelter.
The next day, dedicated volunteers rushed downtown ahead of the approaching storm in central Florida, helping the homeless find safety and shelter. Members organized buses and booked Ubers when bus services halted due to weather. We provided one-dollar bills to cover transportation fees, enabling over 50 homeless individuals to safely reach shelters, all thanks to our efforts.
After the hurricane, we resumed blood pressure screenings and distributed hurricane care packages assembled from donations in the Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief Donation Drive. Packages contained canned foods, non-perishables, and clothing. Volunteers aided in debris cleanup at the Christian Service Center and Orlando Union Rescue Mission, supporting ongoing recovery efforts after the disaster.
Ultimately, the hardships presented by the hurricane demonstrated exactly what Hearts for the Homeless stands for and why we exist. Stepping up to make a difference for a vulnerable population is our overarching goal as an organization and this initiative was one way we were able to accomplish this.